Americans now have fewer than 70 days to file their federal income taxes, and for many taxpayers, this year’s filings will likely be as costly and complicated as ever. Yet with Donald Trump now the nation’s 45th president, future filings may become a lot simpler. After all, the president promises “across-the-board income tax reduction, especially for middle-income Americans.”
High taxes and the endless complexity in the Internal Revenue Service code are truly problems, but the solution calls for far more than the just tax reduction Trump envisions. Instead, Americans deserve a tax revolution — the kind only a flat tax can provide.

What does a true flat tax look like? I propose cutting individual income taxation to 15 percent for taxpayers with incomes above $232,425, and 7 percent for those with annual incomes below that but higher than $40,000. That’s a far cry from the 33 percent an individual filer making over $250,000 now pays, or the 39.6 percent a married couple filing jointly would have to pay on the same level of income. It’s also an improvement on the 25 percent rate that a single filer making $40,000 now pays.