It’s not surprising that trade is under attack on the campaign trail. Scapegoating foreigners and their “unfair” practices helps politicians validate the economic anxieties of primary voters, while obscuring their own failures. But as the current batch of presidential candidates fervently advocate protectionism to restore American greatness, the real causes of economic dislocation — and the right solutions — go largely unaddressed.
International trade is often blamed for the economic disparities and dislocations that too many Americans are experiencing. One reason for the connection is that trade is falsely portrayed, and easily perceived, as a contest between nations. To win the contest — the story goes — Team America must outscore the foreign team. Exports are “our” points, imports are “their” points, and the trade account is the scoreboard. Since the scoreboard shows a deficit, Team America is losing at trade and — the candidates tell us — we are losing because the foreign team cheats.

Fear not, America. Donald Trump will fix everything by imposing tariffs on imports from China and Mexico. Bernie Sanders will tear up NAFTA and all other U.S. trade agreements. Hillary Clinton will abrogate U.S. treaty obligations with respect to China’s treatment under U.S. trade laws. Ted Cruz will do all of the above.