There's nothing wrong in eating New Zealand cows, above. Photo: William West / AFP / Getty Images
In a somewhat bizarre report,
the UK supermarket Morrisons has pushed the idea that Britain would be
better off if the country grew more of its own food. According to the
supermarket, more domestic production would bring significant benefits,
not least insulating consumers from global price volatility.
This is a remix of an old protectionist
tune: the idea that opening up markets to global trade makes an economy
considerably more volatile and “risky”. It is a variation of the claim
that we desire “food security” or “energy security” – the capacity to
fulfil all our wants and needs through domestic production alone. It
often manifests itself with support for “buying local” or “buying
British” or, more recently “Buy American”, as articulated by the new
No doubt this argument has more resonance given the recent iceberg lettuce shortage
in the UK, following unusual weather in Spain. If only the UK produced
its own lettuce, and did not depend on those unreliable Spaniards, it
would surely enjoy security of supply?
When considering reasoning such as this,
it always makes sense to test whether the idea is scalable, up or down.
Suppose that rather than saying “Britain should become more
self-sufficient in food production”, we said, “Ryan Bourne’s family
should become more self-sufficient in food production”.
Rather than trading through exchanging
cash for food products in a supermarket, in this world I would have to
produce all my own food. I perhaps would have a herd of cattle, rent out
a part of an allotment, use a greenhouse, invest in tools for my garden
and vegetable patch and start growing a whole range of different
Let’s put aside the one-off capital
purchases. The first thing to admit is that I would be hopeless at it. I
don’t have a clue how to grow anything. Diverting resources into
growing my own crops would probably be extremely inefficient with low
yields for substantial effort.
Given that I would be tending to my food
production, I would also spend far less time doing other things that I
am far better at, not least writing these kinds of articles.
If substantial numbers of people were
cajoled into producing their own foodstuff, then these costs – the
inefficiency plus the loss of production elsewhere – would add up
substantially across the whole economy.
The same would be true if we decided all
goods should be produced locally in my home town of Gillingham, in Kent,
or even to the county itself. If significant inputs to production had
to be substituted from service industries and apple production to
instead produce all agricultural foodstuffs irrespective of the costs of
doing so, then there would be a huge loss of overall production.
So why do we believe that things would be
different if we restricted production to a particular nation and decided
we would only buy goods produced nationally?
Not only would there be an absence of
certain products which simply could not be produced in the UK. But goods
prices would be higher owing to less competition, and total production
would be much smaller because the economy as a whole would not be
diverting resources into industries and products which we had
comparative advantages in producing.
In other words, protection, or restricting
trade to local trade, would hurt both consumers and overall production.
The only theoretical beneficiaries would be some producers within
protected product markets who saw import-substitution demand rise as a
result of import restrictions. And even here the absence of more
competition is likely to reduce productivity improvements over time.
Take, as an example, the recently discussed New Zealand farming reforms of the 1980s.
Far from protection enhancing well-being, the evidence shows that
subsidies undermined the productive potential of the sector. Practically
all forms of assistance to New Zealand’s farmers were withdrawn over a
period of five years in the 1980s.
Big changes occurred – the sheep stock
halved and beef and sheep farms fell by a third. But larger herd sizes
and increases in lambing rates made the remaining farms much more
productive, while production of fruits and wines grew sharply and a
venison industry developed. The country now has a healthy and more
productive agricultural sector, highly responsive to global demands and
trading at world prices.
This is an essential insight of trading
that has been known since the days of Adam Smith. We can increase the
size of the economy through specialisation and the division of labour –
with people producing those things that they are relatively efficient at
This process is enhanced when we remove
barriers within a nation or between nations to trade. Protectionism is
costly. There’s a reason why, in times of war, countries have blockaded
others. Hint: no country blockades another in the expectation that it
would boost the local blockaded economies.
But the costs do not just stop there.
Contrary to the Morrisons report, deliberately seeking to shift to
“local production” would not produce more certainty or security either.
Returning to Ryan Bourne’s independent food production story, suppose
that a bad harvest or a plant disease wiped out a substantial part of my
food production in a given year.
Absent the ability or willingness to
trade, I would simply go without, and would not be able to consume those
foodstuffs which I enjoy. In an attempt to improve security through all
local production, I would have maximum insecurity of consumption. The
same can be seen in the Spanish lettuce example. Were Spain to implement
a “buy local lettuce” law, then the failing harvest of lettuces would
result in skyrocketing prices and lower sales.
The UK had some experience of this attempt
to have “energy security” with its attempts to protect the coal
industry through the 1970s and early 1980s. Far from ensuring “security
of supply”, protection led to the monopoly power of the mining industry
and the unions, resulting in strikes and constant threats of strikes
that made energy supplies less, not more, secure.
When the sector was liberated and support
withdrawn, energy prices fell significantly as consumers were able to
import much cheaper natural gas. Since then, supplies have been much
steadier as they have been more diverse.
A reliance on imports does not make an
economy more at risk, because markets provide security in the same way
that they provide other attributes of products which consumers consider
If customers want their supply of any
given product to be “secure” through continuous availability then
supermarkets have to diversify their supply arrangements with a range of
producers from across countries, which will be reflected through the
prices of the goods on supermarket shelves. They might also invest in
extra freezing and refrigeration units, for example.
What about instances where governments
react to rising international prices or supply shocks by imposing export
restrictions to keep prices lower in domestic markets? Surely we can
have the best of both worlds: trading freely in normal times but then
protecting consumers when a crisis hits?
Evidence in fact suggests that when one
country starts doing this, all countries do, exacerbating the initial
supply shock and leading to spiralling overall prices. This should not
surprise us, since prices set freely provide signals on the shortages or
surpluses of products which leads to adjustments in behaviour.
The only semi-feasible reason why one
might seek domestic self-sufficiency would be if you believed there was a
high possibility of mass mobilisation war.
Yet a substantial empirical literature has
shown that trade and the interdependence it generates actually makes
conflict less likely. And, frankly, if World War III happens then we’d
have bigger problems than the availability of lettuce.
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