Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Al-Qaeda Gets An Oscar

By Moon Of Alabama

February 27, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  "Moon Of Alabama" - Hollywood is all about fake. That is what movies are - fake depictions of a fake reality that only exist in the mind of scriptwriters, directors and a usually gullible audience. (Disclosure: I do like some movies.)
Hollywood has never been shy of plagiarizing. Every idea, tale of cinematographic trick that made a splash somewhere - and is thereby a potential money generator - will get copied again and again. Every successful make gets a remake. And another one.
In 2015 the promoting host of the Miss Universe franchise "misread" the name of the winner. He announced "Columbia" when the chosen winner was "Philippines". After he few minutes he "corrected" himself. That "mistake" brought a lot of additional media attention - and financial value - to the event owner.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the U.S. marketing and lobby organization of the movie makers, hands out some yearly rewards arranged to promote specific movies or persons in the movie business. The academy award ceremony is a rather boring event but it gets a lot of hype and media attention (and thereby generates lots of advertisement revenue).
To further increase its value this years event plagiarized the idea of the Miss Universe promoters. One of the hosts announced the wrong winning movie for some category and then reversed himself to announce a different "real" winner. It was a "mistake" just as surely as Hollywood's latest movie was a description of real life.
Those without memory went into the desired frenzy, the insiders yawned. "Oh, that clumsy fake again."
One of this years prices went to a fake "documentary" about a fake "rescuer" group which makes and distributes fake videos, staged photos and fake victims of the war on Syria. These al-Qaeda propaganda sidekicks, the White Helmets, are a British disinformation operation that is financed by more than $100 million of U.S. and UK taxpayer money. Its general task is to convince the "western" public that the war on Syria is justified because of the "cruelty of the Syrian government" which the fakes intend to establish in the mind of its consumers.
Hollywood never was shy of taking government money to promote war on this or that country or "enemy". The Pentagon's liaison office in Hollywood finances many movies. If there are some tanks needed and military heroes in a script the Pentagon will organize the props, real tanks and soldiers, at no cost - provided of course that it can read and "correct" the script the way it sees fit. The makers of "Top Gun" need planes, air craft carriers and lots of explosions? No problem at all and at no costs to the producers. In exchange military recruitment staff will wait to trap moviegoers when they leave the theaters. Congress will happily pass the money for more useless planes.
An Academy Award reinforces the message a production carries and gives the people behind the message additional value. The marketing companies that create and run the "White Helmets" will surely receive a few extra millions for yesterday's Oscar promotion.
Hollywood is all fake. The wrong winner is announced and al-Qaeda gets an Oscar. "No harm done," the promoters of such fakes might say.
Except to the people of Syria. For them the destruction and death promoted by the fancy people in Los Angeles is all too real.
White Helmets: OK for Propaganda vs. Assad / Putin, But No Oscars Please
February 27, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  "Covert Geopolitics" - Hollywood, like the fake news media, has been very antagonistic about Syrian President Basher Al Assad, but very friendly with terrorist White Helmets disguising as a humanitarian relief organization. This group has been featured in numerous mainstream productions to show the world how monstrous both the Assad and Putin governments really are.
Now, Hollywood is about to give an award to the white helmet wearing terror group for their very laudable efforts at preserving the integrity of UK’s humanitarian efforts.
So, they have to be there to receive it, and further strengthen their propaganda platform, right?

All is well and good until the recipients arrived at the US Customs.

White Helmets are Denied Entry into US, Hollywood Dreams Over

Vanessa Beeley
war porn2b
“A valid travel document is required for travel to the United States,” a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security told the Associated Press when asked for a comment on the findings. According to internal Trump administration correspondence seen by The Associated Press, the Department of Homeland Security decided to block Khateeb.” ~ Fox News
“A Syrian cinematographer up for an Academy Award Sunday night has been reportedly barred from entering the U.S. over the finding of “derogatory information”– a vague term that can mean anything from a simple passport irregularity to terror connections.
Khaled Khateeb, 21, who worked on the Netflix documentary “White Helmets,” was scheduled to arrive in California on Saturday.
He was issued a visa to attend the awards show, however the Associated Press’ internal U.S. government correspondence reported that Turkish authorities detained him this week.”
This was the revelation that we woke up to, this morning. It appears that US Homeland Security has once more, refused entry, to the White Helmet operatives. The previous time this happened was in April 2016 when Raed Saleh was denied entry into the US to receive an award from InterAction, for his contributions to “humanitarian relief”.  Mark Toner of the US State Department, tried hard to field difficult questions from Matt Lee of AP but failed dismally, finally admitting that it was Saleh’s possible “extremist connections” that had resulted in his deportation from the US. WATCH ~

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