Monday, February 2, 2015

Obama Aids the Enemy

Well, that didn’t take long. This summer after Barack Obama inexplicably (and illegally) freed five of the Taliban’s most deadly terrorists in exchange for army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, I asked a burning question – a question that remains unanswered: “What will it take for our spineless U.S. Congress to impeach this tyrant? This is way beyond partisan politics. This is about justice. This is about the safety of the American people. Barack Hussein Obama is America’s biggest threat to national security. He is ‘an enemy within.’”

By striking this Faustian bargain with the devil, not only did Obama unilaterally trash the U.S. government’s long-standing policy never to negotiate with terrorists, he brazenly violated a 2013 national defense bill that unambiguously requires he give Congress 30-days notice before releasing any Guantanamo Bay prisoners, much less five of its most deadly.
Article III, Section 3, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution defines the crime of treason – dare I say the “high crime” of treason – as “levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
Whether Obama is intentionally trying to overthrow his own government is open for debate. But that he is, “adhering to [America's] Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort,” is without question.
“There is no doubt that Americans will die as a direct result of Obama’s demonstrably illegal actions here,” I wrote back in June. “With most of these monsters in their 40s, they’ve got decades to kill as many Americans as they can get their blood-soaked hands on.”
The National Enquirer, of all publications, interviewed me on my analysis, publishing a feature articlethat largely echoed my sentiments and concluded, “Meanwhile, D.C. insiders say that the only way the Bergdahl fiasco will ‘disappear’ is if the U.S. gets involved in an ongoing crisis elsewhere, which will allow President Obama to ‘redeem himself’ in not only the eyes of his critics but the world.”
While the Obama administration has, no doubt, manufactured many a crisis elsewhere, no such redemption has been forthcoming. Neither has the Bergdahl scandal disappeared. Instead, that which even hard-left Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., feared has, in a few short months, and quite predictably so, become reality. We now learn from a reluctant Obama media that at least one of the “Taliban Five” – one of these faithful followers of Muhammad – intends to kill more American citizens.
Reports CNN:
“The U.S. military and intelligence community now suspect that one of the five Taliban detainees released from Guantanamo Bay in return for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in May of last year has attempted to return to militant activity. …
“It comes at a politically sensitive time as the administration has quickened the pace of prisoner release in an effort to encourage the closure of Guantanamo, and the Army must decide in the coming weeks whether and how to punish Bergdahl for leaving his post. [It's called wartime desertion, CNN. Until recently it got you lined up and shot.]”
According to a September congressional report, “about 17 percent of detainees transferred out of Guantanamo Bay are confirmed by the U.S. to have returned to militant activity. About 12 percent are in the suspected category,” noted CNN.
And so as Barack Obama recklessly sows the seeds of a foolish, politically driven campaign promise, we begin to reap the poisonous fruit of his incompetence. As intelligence concludes that nearly one-third (probably more) of these rabid jihadi dogs will return to their rabid jihadi ways, Obama yet races to loose them from their chains. (Hey, I hear ISIS has several openings in HR [Head Removal]. Perhaps our Muslim-sympathizer-in-chief can whip-up a quick batch of reference letters.)
I wish it could be said that this man is simply an incompetent fool, but I fear it’s much more complicated than all that. At best, Barack Hussein Obama is a full-blown dhimmi (one who surrenders to Muslim dominance). At worst, he shares with Muslims the sworn enemies of both the Quran and “progressivism,” namely Israel and Christianity.
Regrettably, I believe the latter to be true. I believe that this president’s well-established propensity to give aid and comfort to our Islamic enemies stems from an attitude best described, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Long gone are the days when calling an American president a tyrant and accusing him of treason amounted to political hyperbole. Just a few short decades ago this anti-American Marxist would not only have been accused of treason, he would have been tried for it.
But alas, inaction and injustice are the lawless hallmarks of today’s political milieu.
We’ve become “fundamentally transformed,” all right.
Remember the now infamous Rose Garden presser? The shameful images are forever etched in the annals of American history: Obama, standing side-by-side with, and even embracing, Robert Bergdahl, the father of an American traitor and apparent Muslim convert himself.
When he took to the podium, among the first words from the elder Bergdahl’s mouth were, in Arabic, “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim,” which means, “In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate.” This, according to a number of Islamic scholars and CIA experts, was a “Muslim victory call” intended to “claim the White House for Islam.”
Hmm: to claim the White House for Islam.
So it would seem.
Meanwhile, Rose Garden honoree Bowe Bergdahl, a man the Obama administration says “served the United States with honor and distinction,” faces likely court-martial for desertion.
While Barack Obama faces another round of golf.
Inside The White House's Decision To Free Bergdahl

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