Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Smoking Gun for Us 'Stupid American Voters'

Recently, a very disturbing video emerged that contains the metaphorical smoking gun concerning President Obama's many lies about Obamacare. This should remove any lingering doubt that we're dealing with a fascist-type administration.
Of course, there should be no need for a smoking gun, because it is now undeniable that Obama lied on his major selling points about the Affordable Care Act. Unlike many Democrats in falsely accusing President George W. Bush of lying about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, I don't use the term "lie" lightly.

I don't mean that Obama made good-faith statements about his bill that he honestly believed at the time but would later turn out to be erroneous. I am not even suggesting that he made promises he knew would be difficult to fulfill that he ultimately could not. I am saying that he made statements that he knew to be false when he made them.
Obama said countless times, despite knowing better, that if Americans liked their health care plans and their doctors, they could keep them. He said that average health care premiums for a family of four would decrease by some $2,500. He said his bill would be budget-neutral. His administration talked out of both sides of its mouth in characterizing the bill variously as a tax and as a penalty, depending on which label served his interests at the time. Team Obama assured us that employer-based plans would not be wedged out.
No one should need further proof of these multiple and oft-repeated lies, but should you need more, there is indeed more -- and it's explosive and hot off the presses.
The Daily Caller reports that in a newly surfaced video, Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, an MIT professor, made some stunning admissions concerning how the administration presented the bill and how it overtly deceived the public because the bill never would have passed otherwise.
To understand the administration's contempt for the American people, it is important for you to watch the video. (It's on YouTube, titled "GRUBER: 'Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.") But in case you cannot, here is what Gruber said: "This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure (the Congressional Budget Office) did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. OK? So it's written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are going to pay in -- you made explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money -- it would not have passed. ... Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically, that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass. ... Look, I wish (health economist) Mark (Pauly) was right (that) we could make it all transparent, but I'd rather have this law than not."
You can see the mindset that these people have. There is no mistaking it. They know better than we "stupid" American people what is good for us, so they'll do whatever is necessary, including purposely deceiving us, to advance their political agenda.
This is the stuff of outright tyrants -- arrogant, unaccountable, cavalier despots. This is political fascism. This is not representative government. This type of behavior nullifies the Constitution and disenfranchises the American people.
It's one thing to have strong ideological views. It's altogether another to impose those views at any cost and in derogation of the people's rights. This is who this president is. These are the people he surrounds himself with.
Obama and his team are not chastened, much less repentant, over the recent election results. They remain undeterred, and they intend to continue using whatever means they deem necessary, in their self-assessed superior wisdom, to accomplish their political ends, beginning with immigration.
It's hard to believe that this man was ever elected and exceedingly harder to believe he was re-elected, but it is now quite clear that even he and his team believe he wouldn't have been able to achieve re-election or advance much of his agenda had he been truly honest and transparent about his aims and the effects of various bills.
If you were unaware of or in denial about Obama's character and his willingness to deceive and act against the will of the American people before -- despite other smoking guns, such as those concerning his lies on the Benghazi, Libya, attacks -- you have no excuse now.
Two dangerous years remain in Obama's term. Even Democrats who might agree with many of Obama's remaining agenda items have a duty to oppose his further abuse of our system, including on immigration. But whether or not they step up, it is imperative that Republicans take a hard line against any such corrosive acts against the rule of law and our Constitution.

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