Tuesday, September 2, 2014

'You Are Not Up to This Job': Parents of SEAL Team Six Soldier Killed in Action Call for President Obama's Resignation

'You Are Not Up to This Job': Parents of SEAL Team Six Soldier Killed in Action Call for President Obama's Resignation

This article originally appeared in Mail Online. Karen Vaughn has been a contributor to Breitbart News.

One couple knows all too well the pain suffered by the parents of James Foley, the American photojournalist executed on camera last month by the Islamic State.
Billy and Karen Vaughn also lost their son Aaron Carson Vaughn in 2011, when the SEAL Team Six soldier's Chinook helicopter was shot down over Afghanistan.
Now the couple are calling on President Barack Obama to step down, citing his reaction to the Foley video and 'lack of leadership' in confronting ISIS.
On Monday, the Vaughns wrote a letter, calling out Mr Obama's decision to go golfing after holding an important press conference on the Foley video.
'As Commander-in-Chief, your actions - or lack thereof - Mr President, cost lives.
Read the rest of the article here

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