Even those not following the latest evidence of the
tyrannical noose tightening around our necks, know something has gone
terribly wrong in America.
Through NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations four years ago, we learned that US citizens as well as foreign countries are the most spied upon in human history. But this week’s latest massive WikiLeaks’ release,
aka Vault 7, amounts to almost 9,000 pages of CIA documents collected
from 2013 through 2016 that disclose highly classified hacking secrets.
With this largest dump
of confidential CIA files ever published, the world is beginning to
realize just how far gone our privacy rights are, becoming virtually nonexistent under traitor Obama’s second term in office.
On the heels of last week’s bombshell revelations that outgoing president Obama illegally wiretapped and
surveilled all of President Trump’s communications (both domestic and
overseas) including his pre-administration officials, now we’re learning
that the Orwellian nightmare of myopic control over us as a national
population is far worse than ever imagined.
These back-to-back, very
much related unfolding events only demonstrate that not only is the
legitimately elected American president apparently in the process of an overthrow attempt by treasonous subversive forces for the first time in US history, but through the ruling elite’s private army -
the CIA, it has extended its technologically invasive beta test control
over the most spied upon population ever on its way to imprisoning
every human on earth with a one world crime cabal government.
Americans are not the only
victims of deep state cyber aggression. The CIA data dump also reveals
that the NSA and CIA have been conducting a large scale covert operation
out of the Frankfurt,
Germany American Consulate, largest in the world, busily hacking
targeted individuals, groups and national entities throughout Europe,
the Middle East and China. Granted immunity and top secret identities,
individuals comprising deep state America employed in Frankfurt have
developed a massive digital hacking arsenal smack dab in the middle of Europe as Empire’s vassal.
In recent years during the
Bush-Obama regime, US citizens have witnessed their civil rights – once
guaranteed under their no longer upheld Constitution, eroded away into complete oblivion.
Under the nefarious pretense of national security, the
powers-that-shouldn’t-be have opportunistically stolen both our legal
rights as well as literally our property rights in the form of our
homes, our cars, our cash, and bank account assets under the grossly
unlawfulcivil forfeiture laws regardless of whether any crimes have been committed. Currently US law enforcement steals more annually from us than the totality of all burglars. Also with bail-in laws now
well in place, personal life savings will be devoured by large banks,
falling like dominos when the global economy collapses. Theft by a predatory elitenever ends.
Rampant violation of our
Fifth Amendment right that protect citizens from unreasonable government
seizure of private property has also been additionally abused under eminent domain law,
where again increasingly our homes are being illegally confiscated by
local, state and federal governments. A dozen years ago the US Supreme Court made
the decision granting government the right to steal our property based
on land use for “economic development” even by a private developer.
The landmark Kelo vs.
New London, Connecticut case enabled the Big Pharma giant Pfizer to
land grab without the consent of the private citizen as the legal
property owner. At the government and pharmaceutical company’s disgrace
after millions of taxpayer dollars unjustly displaced private citizens
from what was rightfully theirs, all these years later the 90-acre
property remains a desolate, vacant lot.
From our stolen constitutional property rights to our freedom of movement and travel now being usurped, increasingly US citizens flying from one domestic location to another are being asked to show “their papers,” reminding us how the German populace must have felt under Nazi authoritarian control.
Increasing military and law enforcement “random” checkpoints are rapidly popping up all over the United States to monitor and restrict our right to navigable access. Microchipped drivers licenses,
passports, credit cards as well as backdoor installed GPS monitoring
and spying devices in our cell phones have illicitly, secretly been in
place for years now. Biometrics like facial and voice recognition and implanted microchips are all New World Order population control mechanisms.
But the latest CIA crimes constitute an unprecedented assault allowing deep state to infiltrate and attack us through malware embedded
in our iPhones, Android computer applications as well as smart TVs in
order to listen in and shockingly violate every last vestige of our
decimated privacy.
Even while Samsung Smart TVs are turned off, the monitoring device is still secretly turned on and eavesdropping on our conversations.
Another insidiously dangerous feature to this CIA malware is that it
can extract usernames, passwords, and Wi-Fi keys expanding invasive
access to the victim’s shared network and other connected devices.
As far back as a half decade ago, then CIA Director retired General David Petraeus was touting how hi tech advances facilitated a myriad of ways Americans can be spied on in a Wired article entitled “CIA Chief: We’ll Spy on You through Your Dishwasher.”
With the rise of the “smart home,” you’d be sending tagged, geo-located data that a spy agency can intercept in real time when you use the lighting app on your phone to adjust your living room’s ambiance.
You can easily see where
the centralized controllers envision smart meters, smart phones, smart
TVs and a plethora of smart household devices installed in every hopelessly dumbed down American’s
home to permit voyeuristic deep state criminals complete invasive
access to raping you in your un-private, unsafe sanctuary you call home.
With Big Government both watching and listening wherever we are and go nowadays, virtually nothing escapes totalitarian reach and absolute control anymore.
Additionally, the massive proliferation of closed circuit TV cameras shooting us from every angle at virtually every urban street corner traffic light and every business location, along with the global deployment of countless surveillance drones of
all shapes and sizes, invasively capable of covertly observing and
recording our every move and even armed to kill us from both inside and
outside our own no longer private homes, conclusively confirm that we
are living within the nightmarish horror of “you can run but cannot
hide” from the diabolical authoritarian state. And thanks to Obama, the
alarming precedent’s been set for a US president to engage in
extrajudicial killing of his own citizens on or off American soil.
On a minor positive note, the Oklahoma state
legislature has recently introduced a bill making it legal for
homeowners to destroy drones flying less than 400 feet over their
private property, as long as it’s not an aircraft regulated by the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). So in other words, if it’s Big
Government invading your privacy by operating a drone (predator or
otherwise), violating and endangering your personal space, apparently by
law you must simply remain a targeted passive victim. But if it’s your
nosy neighbor, then in Oklahoma you’ll be authorized to neutralize it
when flying too low over your private property residence. Although 45
states are considering laws that restrict unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAV’s), especially when risking safety of first responders or the
public, the FAA maintains jurisdiction over all US airspace.
Growing conflict between
citizens’ personal and privacy rights, violated at the expense of
authoritarian government overreach, will no doubt be played out on a far
larger scale as divided America continues to fracture, be it over property rights, gun rights, bodily rights vs. mandatory vaccines, microchips or potentially outlawed abortion, or basic 1st Amendment free
speech, free press, protest and religious rights. Right now the United
States is a powder keg with anti-Trump opposition forces determined to
trigger a violent US insurrection that could easily lead to civil war.
The WikiLeaks Vault 7 dump strengthens the case against John Brennan, the CIA director that Stratfor stated
was on a witch hunt against journalists when Rolling Stone reporter
Michael Hastings was suspiciously killed after his late model car was
almost certainly remote controlled to speed up to near 100 MPH prior to
it exploding in June 2013. Hastings had been under surveillance by
intelligence agencies while working on his latest project exposing their
With the simultaneous breaking news story that Obama was on the warpath against truth telling journalists as well, directing the FBI to monitor press phone records and remotely hack Sharyl Attkisson’s computer,
the likely Hastings assassination and blatant aggression against the
free press were tyrannical shots across the bow, overtly threatening any
and all whistleblowers and journalists who dared exposing Obama’s
crimes. The just released CIA documents prove beyond all question or
doubt that all modern vehicles driven today can easily be electronically
hacked and remote controlled for sinister murderous purposes, leaving virtually no evidence of a crime ever committed.
No doubt to head off the
usual disinfo shills and left-leaning morons at the pass from issuing
yet more groundless, mindless “the Russians did it” accusations, WikiLeaks specified that a whistleblowing insider from within the CIA leaked the latest documents. WikiLeaks also
stated that the CIA is no longer in control of its own hacking arsenal,
as the huge “archive appears to have been circulating among former US
government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner,” one of
them handing a portion over to WikiLeaks.
But rather than immediately
launch an investigation on the crimes committed by the CIA’s illegal
spying on every American, the culprits themselves – the CIA and FBI – are reflexively announcing that they will begin a criminal probe into the WikiLeaks dump in order to go after and punish the whistleblowing messenger and not the real criminals,
similar to chomping at the bit to fry Snowden for bravely doing America
the invaluable service of alerting citizens of deep state’s
unconstitutional crimes and gross wrongdoing.
Let’s look at another
response from an important government insider. Vice chair of the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence Diane Feinstein whose very job function
is to exercise much needed oversight over deep state America, feebly
muttered on CNN the obvious “duh” response – “maybe there should be more” congressional oversight limiting the CIA spying on Americans.
Essentially she’s admitting
her own incompetence at failing to reel in the CIA’s long known,
abusively out of control power. But with the CIA in actuality the ruling
elite’s private army and Congress its public servant puppets, the
bottom line is Congress only allows, promotes and protects crime cabal tyranny and abuse in this classic “fox guarding the henhouse” case. And so is that CIA/FBI probe.
As an integral part of the
treasonous cabal, senators like Feinstein are the last persons to expect
to act in the genuine best interests of American citizens. Recall three
years ago her going through a similarly disingenuous, feeble motion
when reacting to illegal CIA torture propagated by the Cheney-Bush administration and then only seamlessly continued under Obama and her “oversight” watch. Feinstein epitomizes the lackey, impotently dishonest role of
Congress never really standing up for human rights of anyone on the
planet in this age of over-the-top oppression. Instead, she expressed
her hypocritical outrage toward her previously coddled CIA only after learning the CIA was secretly monitoring her private communications as well.
Additionally, this latest batch of documents providing indisputable proof that deep state America’s gone awry, renders the Democrats’ nonstop mantra that “the Russians did it” a complete farce,
since the CIA has developed the devious means to pull off false flag
cyberattacks that can then be conveniently blamed on designated enemies
like Putin. Because the Central Intelligence Agency stole malware from
other countries, CIA malware under the codename Weeping Angel absolves
the Criminals In Action of
all guilt, leaving no fingerprints behind, thus delivering false
evidence then used to deceitfully charge foreign nations of cyberwarfare
crimes and deceptively justify war against any targeted opponent.
And with virtually every war in American history the result of a false flag,
and more false flags being perpetrated by the CIA and FBI now than ever
before, at some point in the relative near future, you can bet that the
US government will claim a false flag scenario, one probable example
being an enemy launching a devastating cyberattack against
the US banking industry, posing a serious breach to our national
security. Suddenly a banker’s holiday is declared and you cannot
withdraw cash from your local ATM or for that matter even pump gas into
your car. Deep state headed by Homeland Security has been quietly
drumming up and prepping for this type of false flag operation for well
over a decade.
And as US deep state’s egregious crimes against humanity have never been more exposed than
right now, the increasing likelihood of this kind of manufactured
crisis and national emergency to occur sooner than later at the behest
of demonic planetary controllers, growing desperate to hang onto their
centralized power and control, is more imminent now than ever. But armed
with truth, an empowered world citizenry can ultimately hold the
evildoers accountable. The global masses must awaken and begin rejecting
the lies and start thinking for themselves, and for their own survival,
actively opposing the deep state’s matrix.
Constitutional attorney John Whitehead expressed his sobering yet truthful conclusion regarding our stolen liberties:
Not only do we no longer have dominion over our bodies, our families, our property and our lives, but the government continues to chip away at what few rights we still have to speak freely and think for ourselves. If the government can control speech, it can control thought and, in turn, it can control the minds of the citizenry.
It’s time to seek, speak
and share the truth. Before all our freedoms are permanently lost,
including all access to the truth (i.e., Facebook just
began flagging “disputed” fake news), and humanity is victimized by the
brutal killing force of globalized genocide, shake off the shackles of
enslavement and destructive doom and let your voice and conviction be
counted, heard and demonstrated through nonviolent civil disobedient
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