Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
- Iran's former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
voiced strong support for Trump's uncompromising
stand against Washington's "corrupt" political
structure and media.
To: His
Excellency, Mr. Donald John Trump
president of the United States of America
Excellency has been elected, in the recent US
election, as the president of the country.
It can be
inferred from the political and media atmosphere
in the US that the result of the election has
been despite the status quo, and beyond the will
and prediction of the governing body and the
main system behind the scene of the US political
stances of the rival party and some of your
party members and most western leaders suggest
the same notion. Irrespective of whether or not
that is true, the recent election revealed part
of the actual and accumulated demands of the US
this and hoping it will have an effect, I hereby
share some points with you, whereas I’d tried in
the past to convey some important matters to the
two preceding presidents, via letters.
1- This
letter is by no means political, in the common
sense of the world; nonetheless, today it is
from a human to another human. The letter is
from a humane standpoint, rooted in interest
toward and compassion for the American nation
and other nations, and I expect your Excellency
to read it from the same perspective, adopting a
humane approach.
2- I speak
as the son of the great, civilizing and
culture-making nation of Iran. A nation with a
prominent role in the global culture and
civilization, by having presented thousands of
scientists and artists, as well as innumerous
scientific and cultural achievements throughout
its honorable history.
A nation
that, back 2500 years ago, by its great
historical character, Cyrus, issued the order
for freedom of thought and equality of human
beings, as well as for annulling slavery, racial
discrimination and exploitation; principles it
has ever since adhered to.
A nation
that managed an important part of the world for
centuries, in brotherhood, justice and respect.
A nation
that, in the current era, introduced the unique
figure, Late Imam Khomeini, to the human
A leader
who depicted the love and kindness of divine
prophets to all human beings, and was the
flag-bearer of freedom, justice and brotherhood
for all nations. A great reformer who, from a
divine-humane perspective, was the helper for
all the oppressed and was the harbinger of
peace, friendship and justice, heralding
fundamental reforms to benefit all nations.
3- I have
met many political, cultural and social figures,
as well as people from all walks of life across
the five continents of the world, talking to
them about international issues. This letter can
be interpreted as the standpoints of other
nations and many contemporary experts and
4- Your
Excellency and I are, like other human beings,
servants and creatures of The Only God, and have
been created for an eternal life. God has not
created us for enmity, hegemony and
aggressiveness. People are all equal and in
terms of possessing land, wealth, God-given
opportunities and human rights, they’re alike.
The true essence of human blossoms through
monotheism, loving others and making endeavors
toward the well-being and prosperity of others.
A human being, on his path to serve others, achieves proximity to God and eventually wins eternal salvation. In other words, a true human being and the actual winner of this world’s competitions and contests is one who spends his life in the service of other human beings’ well-being and welfare, and for doing away with oppression and establishing justice and friendship.
A human being, on his path to serve others, achieves proximity to God and eventually wins eternal salvation. In other words, a true human being and the actual winner of this world’s competitions and contests is one who spends his life in the service of other human beings’ well-being and welfare, and for doing away with oppression and establishing justice and friendship.
Enjoying the vote and trust of people and
representing them is on the one hand a source of
honor and on the other, causing an extremely
heavy responsibility. If you have so far lived
for yourself, basically you will need to
henceforth live for the US people and the human
6- Having
been elected the US president is a historic
opportunity primarily for the elected person and
secondly for the electorates and other nations.
Although four years is a long period, but it
ends quickly. The opportunity needs to be
valued, and all its moments need to be used in
the best way.
7- Those
elected by nations and the rulers should never
consider themselves being superior to people, or
being their masters and dominant over people’s
affairs. The rulers’ capacity is but to be
humble toward the people, to serve them, and to
follow up their demands.
prophets, among them Prophet Jesus (Peace Be
Upon him), were bearers of the same message and
were in service of the people.
God, in
the noble Quran, addresses Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
and says “You are only a reminder. You are not
over them a controller”.
prophets came not to rule people and establish
empires, but to unite human beings and instill
sympathy, and to spread monotheism, freedom,
justice and love across the planet and to endow
everyone with them.
8- The
laws ruling human societies have been codified
by God. Those laws are unalterable. The people
who, in their hearts, bear tenderness and love
for human beings and strive on the path of
serving people, have in fact filled their hearts
with love for God and a beautiful fate awaits
them, hence being honorable both in this world
and in the hereafter.
Favoring the interests and satisfaction of the
public and nations over the interest and
satisfaction of an insatiable minority of
tyrants of wealth and power, is a reasonable
issue, bringing reputation to the rulers.
B. Some
points on the status of the USA and Your
Excellency’s stances during the election
Excellency is well informed of the US history
and the behavior of its rulers toward other
nations, particularly over the past
half-century. Levels of dissatisfaction from US
rulers are so that a free election at any part
of the world will result in the victory of the
US government’s opposition.
You are
also supposed to know the US internal situation
and the oppression exerted over the nation,
better than any other person.
Excellency has explicitly proscribed the US
policies and performances, as well as its
governance structure and media system that
shapes the public opinion. Your Excellency has
announced that you want to change the status-quo
to people’s benefit.
for realizing those vows is paying attention to
some important issues, of which I point out a
1- Your
Excellency has truthfully described the US
political system and electoral structure as
corrupt and anti-public. The US electoral system
has for decades enslaved people’s votes to
benefit a certain minority; i.e. a group that
seemingly rules in the form of two parties, but
in fact represents a minority, i.e. the tyrants
of global wealth and power.
the US electoral system and setting people’s
will and interests free from that imposed
slavery, will be considered a great job and a
fundamental reform.
It is
clear that only with an integrated plan and
relying on people’s true will, the status quo
can be reformed. I believe that the position of
the president in the US entails ample power and
potential for taking the initiative in that
great job. I hope you will be the first
president of the United States of America who
establishes novel changes to achieve people’s
actual will.
Unfortunately, consecutive US administrations
have assumed arrogance toward others, seeking
progress of the state in holding others back,
pursuing possession and welfare of US people in
others’ poverty, questing its honor and grandeur
in humiliating others, and searching US security
in insecurity for others.
If all the world governments view the international arena from the same angle, and act accordingly, what will the result be? It’s my belief that the US people cannot support such policies and performances, and cannot pursue humiliation, poverty and insecurity for others, and cannot seize others’ wealth.
If all the world governments view the international arena from the same angle, and act accordingly, what will the result be? It’s my belief that the US people cannot support such policies and performances, and cannot pursue humiliation, poverty and insecurity for others, and cannot seize others’ wealth.
the US nation has, beyond the blurred atmosphere
of media, become cognizant of such policies and
behaviors, it has slammed it and disavowed the
If we
pursuing fundamental and sustainable reforms, we
need to respect all nations and cultures, as
well as their will and interests. We need to
share the happiness of nations, as well as their
sorrow. We need to seek equality and brotherhood
among nations, and respect the nations’ rights,
as well as to avoid arrogance and efforts toward
domineering others.
3- Your
Excellency has announced that the US treasury
has produced around $23 Trillion of illegal
notes (paper assets). This means that without
labor, effort or providing goods and services
and by having abused the internationality of
dollar, the funds has been taken from world
nations’ pocket. Regrettably, the big and modern
robbery has been committed in the name of the US
people, but in fact to the benefit of a certain
group. This signifies that the US administration
and governance owe other nations the exact
amount. I don’t think the US people are
satisfied with this greatest robbery in history.
It is
expected that the looted wealth of nations be
returned to them, or at least the inhumane and
destructive trend be halted. This will be an
instance of fundamental and structural reform.
4- Mr.
President, Your Excellency has pinpointed the
existence of 70 million poor and millions of
jobless people and said that resolving US
domestic problems is on top of your agenda. You
have announced that the US defense power has
shrunk. Your Excellency has noted the $6
Trillion costs of US war in the Middle East. You
know that the official US annual military
expenditure is $700 Billion.
believe that defending US geographical borders
and preserving its domestic security vis-à-vis
modern threats should not cost more than $200
Billion annually.
The basic
question now is who has given the US government
the mission to establish security worldwide?
What outcome has meddling in other’s affairs and military deployments to other regions and imposing thousands of US military, security and intelligence bases across the globe had, except for insecurity, war, division, killing and displacement of nations? Have the measures brought about anything beyond hatred and animosity toward US leaders, notoriety for the US people and imposition of military expenditures?
What outcome has meddling in other’s affairs and military deployments to other regions and imposing thousands of US military, security and intelligence bases across the globe had, except for insecurity, war, division, killing and displacement of nations? Have the measures brought about anything beyond hatred and animosity toward US leaders, notoriety for the US people and imposition of military expenditures?
If all
governments want to show behavior similar to the
US administration, which visible horizon of
peace and security will lie ahead of the human
society? Isn’t it better to stop warmongering
and not to interfere militarily in other regions
of the world, in order to create an atmosphere
of international understanding and to end the
arms race, war and killing of people?
By doing
so, a considerable wealth of resources will be
saved to develop US people’s welfare, and to
shed poverty and unemployment. Isn’t that the
best way to change the world nations’ attitude
toward the US governing body?
Furthermore, you know that relying on arms and threatening others is translated into entering an endless and highly costly arms race, which has no fate but war, poverty and annihilation of nations.
Furthermore, you know that relying on arms and threatening others is translated into entering an endless and highly costly arms race, which has no fate but war, poverty and annihilation of nations.
it is revealed to the general public that the
claim to safeguard security and establish peace
in other territories by relying on weapons and
warmongering is a false one, where colonial
goals are hidden under humanistic slogans.
How can
the race in production and export of arms create
peace and security?
instigates war, and peace is never established
by war.
only cumulates hatred. Sustainable peace and
security will only be established by changing
attitudes, beliefs and behavior.
Sustainable security needs to be sought in
kindness, respecting other’s rights and
administering justice.
The best defensive power is people’s power and satisfaction, and this will not be achieved unless by administering justice and respecting human beings.
The best defensive power is people’s power and satisfaction, and this will not be achieved unless by administering justice and respecting human beings.
If Your
Excellency takes the initiative to remove the
deadly arms race and stop the military presence
and intervention in other regions, the annual
killing and displacement of millions of human
beings will be prevented. If so, hundreds of
billions of dollars of global military and
security costs will be reduced, to be spent in
the health, education and welfare of nations, as
well as in reducing the social gap and other
problems, and to uproot insecurity.
Hasn’t the
time come for all of us to believe that the
human society needs human thought, justice and
brotherhood more than arms and military power?
Arrogance is a devilish deed and the root cause
of all problems in the human society. Hasn’t the
time come to change arms to pens, and to replace
arrogance, discrimination and hatred with love,
equality and brotherhood?
5- The
United Nations is the most prominent achievement
of historical experiences, and is the shared
human heritage and the result of man’s hope for
building a better world. The formation of the UN
is a very sublime idea for the fair
participation of all nations in global
governance and for establishing sustainable
peace and security, as well as yielding welfare
and excellence for all.
The UN was
founded for collective wisdom to replace
dictatorship and arrogance.
The free
participation of nations in global governance is
not a threat, but a valuable opportunity that
all genuine reformists will welcome.
Unfortunately, the dominance of consecutive US
administrations over the global body has
obstructed its right performance. Time has come
for the center for manifestation of collective-
and- free will of nations to be set free from
the destructive dominance.
Of course,
the job requires history-making men and arrival
at a major decision.
6- Those
ill-wishing for the US people are set to
withstand the implementation of US people’s will
to implement fundamental reforms in structures,
policies and behavior of the US ruling system.
They seek
deception, in order to divert the public
movement of the US nation toward genuine reform
and realization of their rights.
Unfortunately, some are pursuing the spread of
discriminatory, racist and profit-driven
attitudes in human relations, as well as
expansion of false boundaries and causing rifts
among the people.
The Devils
are, under false flags of religion, race, skin
color and even geography, trying to widen the
gap among people, and spread hatred, to create
opportunities for themselves.
The human
society is, in an evolutionary trend, moving
toward the one society, and on its way, is
pursuing removal of the various borders and gaps
among people and nations.
beings originate from the same root and nature,
possessing a divine soul, hence respectable.
There’s no enmity and hostility among nations of
any religion, thought and race. Resolving the
problems of the human society and building a
better world would need sympathy, condolence and
helping each and every of the world people.
As great Saadi, the renowned Iranian poet put it:
As great Saadi, the renowned Iranian poet put it:
The sons
of Adam are limbs of each other,
Having been created of one essence.
When the calamity of time affects one limb
The other limbs cannot remain at rest.
Having been created of one essence.
When the calamity of time affects one limb
The other limbs cannot remain at rest.
We should
all try to make a better future and to expand
friendship, justice and freedom. All people need
to feel responsible and enjoy the opportunity to
participate in and lead that sacred deed. I’m
positive no wise human being will condemn an
effort to eradicate racial discrimination and
discrimination in the US.
Terrorism is an anti-human tool in the hands of
global powers in order to cause insecurity and
rifts, as well as to impose their will and
policies on nations and governments.
I regret
to remind you that most of the known terrorist
groups across the contemporary world have either
been or are formed and reinforced by US security
services, or have, halfway through, started to
serve their goals.
Fundamental fight against terrorism would mean
cutting the terrorists’ financial resources and
the intelligence, financial and arms support of
US security bodies, as well as those of US
allied governments.
The public
expectation from Your Excellency is to make the
public, and particularly the nations oppressed
by terrorism, happy and thankful by taking such
a measure.
I long for
a day when the idea of arrogance, which is the
root cause of terrorism and a great number of
human society’s problems is transformed into
humane thought.
8- The
developments and the current existence of
America today is the result of immigration of a
variety of nations to that land. The presence
and constructive effort of the elite and
scientists of different nations, including the
million-plus population of my Iranian
compatriots has had a major role in the
development of the US. It is necessary that the
spirit of the policies ruling the US, value
respect toward the diversity of nations and
races. In other words, the contemporary US
belongs to all nations, including the natives of
the land. No one may consider themselves the
owner, and view others as guests or immigrants.
Care needs to be taken toward the same persons
responsible for the current problems in the US
not to infiltrate and divert the nation.
It’s will
not be an instance of over-demanding that Your
Excellency invest into fighting the root cause
of corruption and support the oppressed people,
who are typically in the service of building the
C. And the
final point:
Enjoying a country developed, powerful, rich and
effective in international relations, is what
any nation would long for, but this wouldn’t
mean forming empires and interfering in others’
affairs, or boasting and exercising hegemony
toward other nations.
I believe
that the US land enjoys enough of natural
resources and God-given wealth for making a
prosperous, developed and sustainable life, so
that no encroachment toward others’ resources
will be needed. The US nation deserves enjoying
all facilities and opportunities and having a
sublime and stable life, via a constructive,
fair and equal interaction with other nations.
You can
rest assured that efforts to spread human
behavior, to accept and respect the rights of
other nations and to try to establish justice
have always been admirable. Creating
opportunities for constructive job for American
youth, resolving people’s severe problems,
making structural reforms and building America
within the geography of the United States are
welcome by the community of nations and ahead of
them, the Iranian nation.
2- Women
depict God’s beauty and are God’s most beautiful
and valuable gift. Respecting women and
dignifying them, is a sign of magnanimity.
The great
men of history have paid the highest level of
respect to women and recognized their God-given
capabilities. Women’s role in the life and
perfection of human society is special and in
the best and highest form. Women’s management in
domains of science, society, culture, etc. has
been among the most precise and excellent.
We all understand the deep concept of unrivaled motherly love, the unique kindness of a sister and the irreplaceable position of a wife.
We all understand the deep concept of unrivaled motherly love, the unique kindness of a sister and the irreplaceable position of a wife.
I hope
women in all societies, including that of the
US, while at utmost persistent esteem and
respect, effectively and constructively
participate and lead in building the ideal
needless to remind of the glorious history of
the great Iranian nation, which has seen
numerous ups and downs. No trace is left on
earth of the enemies and the malice and the
vengeful ill-wishers toward the Iranian nation.
However, the Iranian nation is alive and
progressive, having successfully gone through
and passed all minor and major historic events,
as it will in the future. The Iranian nation
possesses a bright future. I suffice to a point:
please note that the image US media provide of
the Iranian nation has never been and is not
indicative of the facts regarding the great and
honorable Iranian nation.
With the
good people of US, you currently have a landmark
opportunity to kick off fundamental reforms and
strive on the path, to be the initiator of huge
change and leave a good reputation behind.
I hope the
lengthy letter, which was proportionate to the
nature of a fundamental and constructive talk,
hasn’t tired you.
I pray to
God The Merciful for all nations and also for
the people of US glory, prosperity, peace,
freedom, justice and welfare and for Your
Excellency, success in performing the heavy duty
of reforming the structure of the US system and
in responding to people’s demand.
And peace
on the righteous servants of God
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
In service of the Iranian nation.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
In service of the Iranian nation.
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