For months now, long before the 2016 election, I have been warning about a specific social dynamic which is likely to lead to a form of civil war within the U.S.; namely, the likelihood that people on the left side of the political spectrum would become despondent at the inevitable loss of their candidate, Hillary Clinton, and that they would react by becoming far more militant. In my article Order our of Chaos: The defeat of the Left comes with a cost, published November post-election, I stated:
I mentioned in my last article the crippling of social justice, I did
not mention that this could have some negative reverberations. With
Trump and conservatives taking near-total power after the Left had
assumed they would never lose again, their reaction has been to
transform. They are stepping away from the normal activities and mindset
of cultural Marxism and evolving into full blown communists. Instead of
admitting that their ideology is a failure in every respect, they are
doubling down.
When this evolution is complete, the Left will
resort to direct violent action on a larger scale, and they will do so
with a clear conscience because, in their minds, they are fighting
I believed at that time that the social-justice cult
would lose mainstream influence but that the existing minority would
resort to even more insidious tactics and greater violence to get what
they want. As it turns out, I have been proven right so far.Not that extreme Leftists have been averse to violence over the past year, but I think it is safe to say that the volume on the cultural Marxist machine has been turned up a notch. The riot at UC Berkeley over a scheduled speech by gay, conservative speaker Milo Yiannopoulos is a perfect example:
Then, there was the raid by SJWs at NYU on a speech by conservative journalist and comedian Gavin McInnes, in which they shouted down all discussion with mindless chants until the event had to be canceled. This was, of course, after they had already physically attacked people outside the building, including McInnes.
The social justice mantra is changing. At first, it was predominately about forming mobs to “shame” target political opponents into silence. Now, it is about forming mobs to do what they call “punching Nazis.” Leftists are now often seen regurgitating the claim — “This is only the beginning…”
I agree, this is only the beginning. The Left is driven not only by the ideology of cultural Marxism, but also a very specific activist strategy outlined in Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals. The very core of Alinsky’s strategy revolves around one important rule in particular: the ends justify the means.
This is the key ingredient of moral relativism, and when a movement is motivated by moral relativism, there is no limit to the depths they will sink to get their way. Activists adopting the “ends justify the means” mentality are not interested in being “right,” or wise, or rational or logical or factual; they only care about “winning.” This is their goal, and they will do anything to achieve it.
It is important to note, however, that all of these protests and the increase in violence is not taking place in a vacuum. As many liberty analysts have noted, Trump has hardly had time to do anything yet that would warrant national protests. Is Trump really the only catalyst? Not quite. The mainstream media and globalists like George Soros have been very effective in agitating or outright paying protesters and provocateurs to generate zombie mobs of gullible Leftists to use as a billy club for harassing conservatives.
That said, I want liberty activists and analysts to ponder on this for a moment — to what end is this being done? Why is Soros so interested in fomenting leftist rage? Is it designed to overthrow Trump? To trigger a civil war? Or do the globalists have a greater and more important goal in mind?
I have been writing often on the idea of 4th Generation Warfare the past month, and I think my readers are now well versed in the concept of the “three-steps-ahead” style of tactics, as well as the concept of manipulating an opponent to destroy himself, rather than fighting him directly. These are not new methods, the globalists have merely taken them to the next level.
But how do 4th Gen warfare tactics apply to the current Right vs. Left scenario in the U.S.? Well, everything is not as obvious as it seems.
As I outlined in-depth in my article Clinton versus Trump and the co-option of the liberty movement, globalists and the leftist media have been quietly cheering for Trump as a tool for absorbing the liberty movement (what they still call the “Tea Party”). This glee is made clear in an article published by Bloomberg in August titled The Tea Party Meets Its Maker.
There is a point I have been trying to make for most of the year that I think has been consistently missed by many in the liberty movement. That point being that the greatest danger to conservatives is not militant Leftists, but how we respond to militant Leftists. That is to say, I believe the globalists are using the Left as a cattle prod to enrage conservatives and lure us into abandoning our principles in the name of defeating Marxists.
Consider this; the argument among most liberty analysts has been that the numerous anti-Constitutional programs put in place by the Obama administration in the past eights years would eventually be used by the political Left and the globalists as weapons to subdue and destroy conservatives and patriot groups. While Obama certainly tested the waters of tyranny over and over again, up to and including using executive orders to assassinate American citizens without trial, it is clear that those extensive powers afforded to the White House are now in the hands of Trump.
Obama even signed the “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” into law after Trump had already won the White House. Trump has now inherited this power as well, which seems to give government the authority to harass or even silence news sources they deem “fake news.” While many liberty activists cried foul and warned of a “coup” designed to shut down alternative news sites and thwart Trump’s inauguration, I warned that there was a much more dangerous scenario in play.
What will conservatives do in the face of the leftist mob funded by globalists and growing ever more vicious? What do the globalists expect us to do? I think they expect us to look at all the government powers we once admonished as unConstitutional and say “hey, maybe these laws and executive orders are not so bad after all…”
I think the globalists are handing us the incredible temptation of far reaching bureaucratic power, and they expect us to abuse that power, as almost anyone would.
As an alternative analyst I am privy to trends in the liberty movement and in conservative circles that might not be immediately obvious to casual readers. Already, I am witnessing calls among activists to abuse government power to defeat the Left. I have seen comments such as:
“Trump should use the NDAA to imprison these leftists indefinitely…”
“The only solution is to throw the leftists into FEMA camps…”
“Trump needs to shut down the leftist media…”
“Sometimes it is okay to bend the rules of the constitution if you have the right president…”
comments like this are popping up everywhere in liberty media comment
boards. Now, I recognize that some of this talk is being posted by paid
disinformation agents and provocateurs, but, I have heard regular
conservatives and patriots, people who are long time proponents of the
Constitution, echo similar sentiments.I use the analogy of the “One Ring” from The Lord Of The Rings to describe big government power often. I really can’t find a better fictional symbol. Anyone who comes into possession of the “one ring” is eventually corrupted by it. Many good people believe that its darker energy can be contained and directed for good purposes, but they, too, are ultimately destroyed by it. The only answer, the only solution, is to abandon the ring, or to destroy it.
Overt government power is very much the same; it corrupts any person or group that comes in contact with it. Every group thinks that if only they were in possession of government that they would do things differently. This is a delusion. No person or group is benevolent enough to handle this responsibility, and this includes conservatives. Many groups would commit egregious and heinous crimes to take government for themselves, or keep it for themselves, all the while so many Saurons (globalists) laugh and smack their lips as the masses battle over numerous rings of power.
As I have noted time and time again for the past several months, Trump is the perfect tool for scapegoating conservative movements for the economic crisis the elites have already engineered. But, this is only one part of the agenda. The most important target of the globalists is not only conservatives, but the conservative philosophy. They don’t just want to annihilate conservatives today, they want to annihilate conservatives for all time.
The globalists cannot accomplish this task without our help. They need us to adopt an attitude of moral relativism, much like the Left. They need us to turn into totalitarians. They need us to become the monster we claim we want to defeat. Only then can conservative principles be demonized for all time. Only then will history look back on us as a stain on the human record.
This is the globalist’s long game.
While Leftists are being encouraged to mutate into wild frothing packs of rabid dogs, conservatives will be encouraged either through temptation or manipulation to respond in kind. The Left’s propaganda train asserts that we are “fascists.” Obviously, we are the furthest thing from this. But, with enough violence on their part, we might end up saying “Okay, you want to see fascism, we’ll show you fascism!”
The social justice cult has no idea what they are being led into. The globalists are going to throw them to the wolves, and we are the wolves.
The Left is also not the only instigator for conservatives to turn totalitarian. Islamic terrorism is always a perfect rationale for increased government intrusion in the name of safety. And the worst part is, the threats from the Left and the threats from Islamic extremism are in most cases quite legitimate. Very few Americans like Communists, and very few Americans like Muslim zealotry; the justification for totalitarian measures to disrupt such threats is relatively easy for many people.
This is why I am going to make my next prediction of a major geopolitical event to close out this article — I believe there will be a large scale terrorist attack within the next three months, beyond the mob actions of the Left already in progress.
It will either be similar in scope to 9/11, or, it will be a succession of many smaller attacks occurring over the course of a few days to a couple of weeks. I believe that the current dispute over border controls and immigration denial will come immediately into play. Trump will blame Leftists for obstructing his efforts for secure immigration. Leftists and the media will blame Trump for “radicalizing” Muslims with his immigration policies, or perhaps even accuse him of staging the attacks himself. Trump will take extraordinary measures beyond the Constitution to ensure immigration denial and the thwarting of the Left, and conservatives will applaud him for it.
Again, conservatives are being led by globalist into the temptations of power. The only way for us to fight back is to maintain our principles and refuse to support any government measure that is unConstitutional, even if it is to be used against our enemies. The only way that the heritage of liberty can be defeated is if the proponents and champions of liberty forsake it. We beat the globalists in the long run by standing by our ideals and fighting back within the bounds of the principles we hold dear. Dominance through government is never the answer.
— Brandon Smith
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