Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Bill Kristol Backs ‘Deep State’ over President Trump, Republican Government

Bill Kristol Backs ‘Deep State’ over President Trump, Republican Government

Foreign-policy hawk Bill Kristol Tweeted out his preference for a political victory by “the deep state” above the nation’s laws and over President Donald Trump’s voters and policies, amid an increasing furor over the forced resignation of Gen. Mike Flynn.

Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state.

The “deep state” is jargon for the semi-hidden army of bureaucrats, officials, retired officials, legislators, contractors and media people who support and defend established government policies.
Those “deep state” officials include the intelligence, law-enforcement and national security officials who worked in President Barack Obama’s administration but who are still working in permanent or temporary positions in the White House and in surrounding agencies. Many of those officials are believed to be leaking information from within the White House to allies in the anti-Trump media, including Kristol.
Coming after Flynn’s departure, Kristol’s Tweet indicates his support for the semi-hidden — and potentially illegal — actions by government officials who helped push out Flynn by taping and leaking his private calls with the Russian ambassador.
Throughout the 2016 election, Kristol strongly opposed Trump.
Flynn's resignation seems a bit like Watergate. Democrats, media & the IC went after Nixon, and in some ways unfairly. Still, he was guilty.

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